


Experimental 1
Friday 26/03/2021 13:00 - 15:00 - Athens Animfest 2021 Official Screening
Saturday 27/03/2021 01:00 - 03:00 - Athens Animfest 2021 Replay Screening
Total Duration: 01:34:00

  1. SPHINX GALLERY, by Piet Koster, Netherlands, 2020, 20:22
  2. I Call It Home / وطن, by Leila Ahang, Iran, 2020, 02:50
  3. Rutile cautery / Rútilo cautério, by Rodrigo Faustini & jpedrinho9, Brazil, 2020, 02:27
  4. Learn A Little, by Michael Hughes, United Kingdom, 2020, 04:19
  5. Battle, by Hüseyin Mert Erverdi, Turkey, 2020, 03:06
  6. Circumvolution / Devr, by Hüseyin Mert Erverdi, Turkey, 2020, 05:05
  7. The shudder flies away with open arms, farewell / Le Frémissement s’envole à bras ouvert, Adieu, by Celia Eid, Sébastien Béranger, France, 2020, 07:30
  8. collage25, by Luis Carlos Rodríguez, Spain, 2020, 04:04
  9. Covid Loop, by Yuval Haker, Israel, 2020, 01:08
  10. East Wind / 东风, by Yuanhua Luo, China, 2020, 06:09
  11. Earthfall / RAS, by Simone Hooymans, Norway, 2019, 06:32
  12. All Possible Futures, by Peter Whittenberger, United States of America, 2019, 03:51
  13. Rain Follows the Plow, by Peter Whittenberger, United States of America, 2020, 02:46
  14. Alexander Mosolov. Three Pieces / Александр Мосолов. Три Пьески, by Natalia Ryss, Russia, 2020, 02:57
  15. True Sound Façade, by Laura N-Tamara, United Kingdom, 2020, 02:30
  16. Costume Change Forever, by John Harlan Norris, United States of America, 2021, 08:28
  17. Utopia - C, by Reinhold Bidner, Austria, 2020, 07:38
  18. Vivant, by Carlos Nahuel Cerutti, Argentina, 2020, 02:18

Experimental 2
Friday 26/03/2021 15:00 - 17:00 - Athens Animfest 2021 Official Screening
Saturday 27/03/2021 03:00 - 05:00 - Athens Animfest 2021 Replay Screening
Total Duration: 01:35:46

  1. Coldshot, by Evin Collis, Canada, 2020, 11:58
  2. Embraces / Etreintes, by Alain Escalle, France, 2020, 12:44
  3. Audenie, by Taokan Xu, Germany, 2020, 07:18
  4. Stache and the Inner Walk, by Joanne Fisher, Canada, 2020, 03:30
  5. Supereroica, by Alexej Tchernyi, Germany, 2021, 24:45
  6. The long wail of a passing train slips into the heart of the ghosts and everything explodes into silence. / Le long cri du train qui passe se glisse au coeur des spectres et tout explose en silence, by Anne-Marie Bouchard, Canada, 2020, 07:30
  7. Bloody Jackboots / آبان, by Leila Ahang, Iran, 2020, 01:15
  8. Anthropocene Sketchbook (version 2), by Katy Shepherd, United Kingdom, 2020, 04:03
  9. Mandala, by Hüseyin Mert Erverdi, Turkey, 2020, 02:30
  10. 1 Bottle of Wine / 1 Flasche Wein, by Anne Isensee, Germany, 2020, 05:00
  11. the gleaners, and: ritual for signaled bodies, by Benjamin Rosenthal and Eric Souther, United States of America, 2020, 08:33
  12. Tunable Mimoid, by Vladimir Todorovic, Australia, 2020, 06:40


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