Student | Experimental |
Short 5
Saturday 16/03/2019 18:00 - 20:00 - Oikia Theotokopoulou, City of Athens
Total Duration: 01:46:57
- Finity Calling 15:00Netherlands 2018
- From the Snow-Covered Hill 14:00Netherlands 2018
- Baton / Knuppel 04:22Netherlands 2018
- The Origin of Sound 13:15Belgium 2018
- Apple of My Eye 05:50Singapore 2018
- Jamie's Paper Train 07:30Canada 2018
- Purr-fectly Rude Awakening 02:10Canada 2017
- Lost Steps 10:55Sweden 2018
- The Simple Carnival - Go Away I Like You Too Much 02:38USA 2018
- Muedra 09:00Spain 2019
- When We Were Free 02:15USA 2018
- Trainwreck 04:53France 2018
- Broken Being / Tàn Thể 15:09Viet Nam 2018
Directed by: Jasper Kuipers
Screenplay: Jasper Kuipers
Animation: Jasper Kuipers
Technique: stop-motion
Music: -
Production/School: Koert Davidse, Marc Thelosen, Eric Goossens, Anton Roebben
Dialogue language: none
Subtitles language: none
In search of his boundaries, a boy violates the strict social rules inside the room. When the fragile equilibrium in the group is broken, the results are explosive.
Directed by: Matty Jorissen, Wijnand Driessen
Screenplay: Matty Jorissen, Wijnand Driessen
Animation: Ariadne Vandewijer, Atanas Filipov, Avgustina Vasileva, Camiel Hermans, Diana Monova, Dennis van Hout, Elie Klimis, Gert-Jan Beyens, Jan Kegels, Kimberley Chow, Laure Hillen, Matty Jorissen, Olivia Derie, Paul de Blieck, Pepijn Claus, Pieter van Luffelen,
Technique: 2D animation, with hand-painted backgrounds
Music: Maurits Overdulve
Production/School: Frédéric Dirickx, Marc Thelosen
Dialogue language: none
Subtitles language: none
Left behind at an isolated boarding school, young Will quickly becomes a target for bullying. Only the friendship from a small bird brings him solace. But as the bullying worsens, Will’s means of escaping the world grow darker..
Directed by: Reynaert Vosveld
Screenplay: Reynaert Vosveld
Animation: Reynaert Vosveld
Technique: 2D computer animation
Music: -
Production/School: Reynaert Vosveld
Dialogue language: Dutch
Subtitles language: English
Knuppel is a direct response to news reports about the introduction of a new baton used by the Dutch police force. It is an associative visual research of sentiments, statements and hierarchical power relations, within the functionality of the new police baton.
Directed by: Paul Driessen, Toon Loenders
Screenplay: Paul Driessen
Animation: Ralf Hekkenberg, Wouter Bongaerts, Wouter Sel, Ben Tesseur & Steven De Beul, Frodo Kuipers, Sjaak Rood, Pieter Samyn, Dieter Dresselaers, Bruno Wouters, Pieter Vanluffelen, Willem Lagerwaard, Bram Van Rompaey & Reinout Swinnen, Frits Standaert, Joost Lieu
Technique: mixeed techniques
Music: G.M.Huddy
Production/School: Geert van Goethem, Linda Sterckx, Michiel Snijders, Arnoud Rijken
Dialogue language: none
Subtitles language: none
Genesis, the seventh day, early in the morning. The Creator realizes he forgot to add sound to the world! He starts fixing this by using his weird collection of animated cartoons. But not to the liking of his creatures…
Directed by: Davide Benvenuti
Production/School: Davide Benvenuti
In a strange land two creatures fight over the last scrap of food
Directed by: Brandon Lloyd, Joel Shemrock
Screenplay: Brandon Lloyd, Joel Shemrock
Dialogue language: English
Inspired by the real life story of a young boy with autism, Jamie’s Paper Train is a visual metaphor for the challenges that face those affected by the condition. Seeking comfort in a world of overstimulation, Jamie finds escape through his passion for making paper trains. With the love and support of his parents, Jamie spent endless hours, embracing his imagination, forging bonds with those whom he struggled to make real world connections with. The film combines a mix of various animation techniques including stop motion animation, 2D and 3D animation, told through Jack Noble’s unmistakeable maritime charm.
Directed by: J. Meeka Stuart, Brandon Lloyd, Joel Shemrock
Screenplay: PIP Animation Services Inc.
Production/School: Glenn Brown
Dialogue language: English
Always curious, sometimes daring and often not so bright. Kit the Kat is feline comic hijinks as you have never seen before! Determined to make the best of any situation, Kit the Kat takes on the world as only a cat can do…after a nap of course! From chasing a laser pointer, trying to figure out the pesky robot vacuum thing, being introduced to the new pet goldfish in a bowl, battling the tempting delights of potted catnip plant just outside the window, or getting his fur caught in a windup mouse toy, to his daily duels with the pooping pigeons on the fire escape, enduring the diabolical hot tar on the roof, or savoring the multi-sensory distractions of a day at the beach, Kit always manages to find a way to get the best of any situation in spite of himself! How many of his 9 lives will be tempted today?!
Dialogue language: English
Lost steps is a film about a life lived, about time, love gone by, and about a man wandering in a park. He sets out to meet someone, though he isn’t sure of whom.
Directed by: Jeff Boller
Screenplay: Jeff Boller
Animation: Jeff Boller
Technique: CG and hand drawn animation
Music: Jeff Boller
Production/School: Jeff Boller
Dialogue language: English
"The Simple Carnival - Go Away I Like You Too Much" is an animated music video about a boy who has a crush on a girl and subsequently wants to avoid her. This CG film was created by one person over the course of a year and a half.
Directed by: Cesar Diaz Melendez
Screenplay: Cesar Diaz Melendez
Animation: Cesar Diaz Melendez
Technique: Stop motion
Music: Cesar Diaz Melendez
Production/School: Pedro Collantes
Dialogue language: No dialogues
Subtitles language: no
Life can arise anywhere, nature behave strangely and days can last for minutes. Although everything is familiar to us, nothing is what it seems in this place. The cycle of life seen from a different point of view.
Directed by: Mark Franz
Dialogue language: English
When We Were Free is a work of oscilloscope music that references the precarious role of computing in contemporary media transmission. It also continues the tradition of using visual music as a vehicle for sociopolitical commentary or opposition (e.g. Hans Richter). The process used to create the film alludes to technology and synesthetic cinema, facilitating a direct relationship between sound and image; the images recorded from the screen of the oscilloscope are created by the stereo audio heard in the film. The title is a reference to Milton Mayers 1955 account of the development of fascism in Germany in “They thought they were free.” It is meant to be an open question as much as a statement, not unlike the “what if” questions created by abstraction in other types of visual and poetic work. Additional Information: When We Were Free is a single channel experimental animation, kinetic typographic film, and experimental stereo sound work. Created using LG OS5060A oscilloscope, digital video, audio and video production software. HD and 4K versions available.

Directed by: Bianca Calandra
Animation: Bianca Calandra
Technique: Stop motion
Music: by 'Machine est mon Coeur'
Dialogue language: English
A sleepwalker compelled along his path and accompanied by a strange entity, must pass through portals to multiple dimensions and ultimately a dark end. Set to the music of French ethereal dark wave duo 'Machine est mon Coeur'.
Directed by: Quang Dang
Screenplay: Quang Dang, Giang Nguyen, Hai Pham
Production/School: Nhu Le
Dialogue language: English, Vietnamese
In a post-apocalyptic world called ‘Broken Being’ where bygone civilization and all its glory will soon be forgotten, humanity faces an unprecedented existential crisis when confronted by different life forms of clones and machines. The minority who survived, are quarantined in machine-controlled ecological zones, called ‘Tranquil Havens’. Would humans surrender to the order of the new world, or would they change to adapt, revolutionize and regain dominance? ‘Broken Being’ is about those little beings and their stories in a broken world that is full of struggles and uncertainty.