Student | Experimental |
Student 5
Sunday 08/11/2020 12:00 - 14:00 - Athens Animfest 2020 Online Screenings
Total Duration: 01:50:39
- Balance 07:02Belgium 2019
- Gunpowder 05:30France 2019
- o28 05:18France 2019
- The Lifeguard 05:09France 2019
- Black Lead / Mine de Plomb 06:27France 2019
- Florian 03:47Spain 2019
- Playing at the sea / Jeux à la mer 07:25Belgium 2019
- Slugde / Slib 02:30Belgium 2019
- Small talk / Parler de la pluie et du beau temps 04:35Belgium 2019
- Déjeuner sur l'herbe 07:30France 2019
- The Garden 08:05Spain 2019
- Pour une poignée de Caramels 05:56France 2019
- In Her Boots 06:03United Kingdom 2019

Directed by: Timothée Crabbé
Screenplay: Timothée Crabbé
Animation: Timothée Crabbé
Technique: Stopmotion
Music: Simon Leleux & Nicolas Marchant
Production/School: LUCA School of Arts Brussels
Dialogue language: No spoken language
Subtitles language: No subtitles
Partners on stage and in life, acrobats Alec and Theo find each other in a perfect balance between lifting and flying, between leading and following, until this fragile balance is turned upside down by an accident.
Directed by: Romane Faure, Nathanael Perron, Léa Detrain, Benoît de Geyer d'Orth, Pei-Hsuan Lin, Anne-Lise Kubiak
Screenplay: Romane Faure
Animation: Benoît de Geyer d'Orth, Anne-Lise Kubiak
Technique: 3D Computer
Music: Julien Bellanger
Production/School: Supinfocom Rubika
Dialogue language: No dialogue
lt's teatime! Unfortunately for Phileas all his teaboxes are empty! He decides to go get some to the source, in China!
Directed by: Otalia Caussé, Geoffroy Collin, Louise Grardel, Antoine Marchand, Robin Merle, Fabien Meyran
Screenplay: Otalia Caussé
Animation: Antoine Marchand, Robin Merle
Technique: 3D Computer
Music: Cyrille Marchesseau, David Gana
Production/School: Supinfocom Rubika
Dialogue language: No dialogue
In Lisbon, a german married couple is about to get aboard the legendary n°28 tramway, but how should you ract when the brakes let go and embark you on a vertiginous race... with a baby on board.
Directed by: Cécile Mercier, Milena Blin, Clémentine Lecluse, Iris Stanley, Ming-Yang Zhao, Rohan Kotnis, Charlotte Humbert
Screenplay: Cécile Mercier, Milena Blin, Clémentine Lecluse, Iris Stanley, Ming-Yang Zhao, Rohan Kotnis, Charlotte Humbert
Animation: Iris Stanley, Rohan Kotnis, Charlotte Humbert
Technique: 3D Computer
Music: Kévin Bardin
Production/School: Supinfocom Rubika
Dialogue language: No dialogue
An old man returns to his beach where he spent his childhood, the wind rises, a storm approaches, and submerge him little by little into his memories.
Directed by: Arthur Valter, Robin Delmond, Fanny Lambert, Lino Talfer, Noémie Six, Théo Emsellem
Screenplay: Arthur Valter, Robin Delmond
Animation: Fanny Lambert, Lino Talfer, Théo Emsellem
Technique: 3D Computer
Music: Bryan Devleeschouwer (Janee)
Production/School: Supinfocom Rubika
Dialogue language: No dialogue
The car goes fast. The atmosphere is tense. There is no one outside. Taken by her father, the young Zheina seeks her mother who is still in the hospital to take care of the wounded. She discovers a city emptied of its population and whose buildings debris announce a significant danger.

Directed by: Keshav Abrol, Lucas Londoño-Clayton, Pavel Loparev, Alicia Velasco
Directed by: Sacha Brauner
Screenplay: Sacha Brauner
Animation: Sacha Brauner
Technique: 2D computer animation, drawing on paper
Music: Yale Song
Production/School: KASK School of Arts
Dialogue language: /
Subtitles language: /
A window onto the closed world of an undetermined beach somewhere by the North Sea, where a little boy hangs out. He meets a girl and together they play poetic, absurd, and sometimes ominous beach games.
Directed by: Janne VAN WOENSEL KOOY
Technique: 2D on paper
A fisherman babbles in his boat. The day is passing by, just like the fishes and the birds. The Chinese ink lays a permanent layer on my sheet, I'm not able to fully control how the shapes will become. My way of animating is therefore rough, sometimes unclear. I want to suggest something figurative with frames that seem abstract in themselves. Through the succession of these different abstract frames a recognizable movement emerges.
Directed by: Geertrui De Vijlder
Animation: Geertrui De Vijlder
Technique: Stop-motion, puppets
Music: Tom Peeters & Bas Verbruggen
Production/School: KASK School of Arts
To say without speaking, to listen without hearing, to taste a language. No need to understand. Look and see, telling gestures. A stop-motion short movie that captures the beauty of Flemish Sign Language.
Directed by: Jocelyn CHARLES, Jules BOURGÈS, Nathan HARBONN-VIAUD, Pierre ROUGEMONT
Directed by: Uxue García, Marina Bordona, Daniel Arriaga, Charles Thorpe, Sergio Delgado, Marina Alonso
Production/School: DigiPen Institute of Technology Europe Bilbao
As the relationship of a victim of child trafficking and her limousine driver grows closer, he will have to make a decision: keep doing his job or take action on the unfair situation she’s living every day.
Directed by: Nghia BUI TRUNG, Clara DULAUT, Martin FETTUCIARI, Nikita GAVARD NOYER, Bérenger GUILBAULT, Timothée MARON, Ugo MASUTTI
Grandma and Grandpa, a couple of old people are about to hold up their retirement home's cafeteria for a fistful of toffees. They are imagining themselves as Bonnie and Clyde, a couple of handsome and ruthless gangsters. But before they can puts their hands on the precious sweets, they will have to face the head nurse, the dreadful Chantal...
Directed by: Kathrin Steinbacher
Screenplay: Kathrin Steinbacher
Production/School: Royal College Of Art
Dialogue language: German
Hedi is experiencing strange things. While her granddaughter is visiting, she suddenly embarks on a hiking journey, to the deepest parts of the Alps, revealing the reason for her devoted attachment to her hiking shoes. A story about Heidi's attempt to retain her identity and autonomy.