Student | Experimental |
Greek competition
Saturday 16/03/2019 20:00 - 22:00 - Cine Drasi, Vrilissia
Total Duration: 01:46:43
- While I keep on Dreaming / Όσο συνεχίζω να Ονειρεύομαι 06:21Greece 2018
- Natron 05:57Greece 2017
- Ooffee 19:04Greece 2018
- The world above the sea / Ο κόσμος πάνω από τη θάλασσα 07:39Greece 2019
- This Love / Cet Amour 05:05Greece 2018
- C.P. Cavafy THE CITY | Wherever I turn my eyes to / Κ.Π. Καβάφης Η ΠΟΛΙΣ | Όπου το μάτι μου γυρίσω 03:24Greece 2019
- Tokei Maru 15:00Greece 2018
- Inheritance 05:48Greece 2018
- Wandering 05:12Greece 2018
- Elle reads on a summer day / Η Έλλη διαβάζει το καλοκαίρι 03:30Greece 2018
- Chromosoma 04:46Greece 2018
- Inverse 06:38Greece 2018

Directed by: Giorgos Chatzellis
Screenplay: Giorgos Chatzellis
Animation: Giorgos Chatzellis
Technique: 2D Animation
Music: Thanos Bikakis, Giorgos Gargalas
Production/School: Ionian University, Audio Visual Arts Department
The story follows a young girl who is reading a fairy tale about a fox. When the girl fall's asleep the fox from the book appears infront of her and invites the girl to the fairy tale's imaginary world.

Directed by: Aris Apartian, Sofia Avramidou
Screenplay: Aris Apartian, Sofia Avramidou
Animation: Aris Apartian, Sofia Avramidou
Technique: Traditional 2D Animation
Music: George R. Gaitanos
Production/School: A.T.E.I of Athens
Dialogue language: no dialogue
Subtitles language: no subtitles
When nature can't take it any more, a bunch of revolutionary flamingos take matters into their own "feathers" in order to free their kind from slavery. A fantasy story inspired by real environmental threats towards lake Natron, Tanzania.

Directed by: Alexandros Vounatsos
Technique: 3d animation with 2d graphics
Production/School: University of Thessaly
Dialogue language: ENGLISH
Subtitles language: ENGLISH/GREEK/JAPANESE
The animation wants to depict forms of power that exist in the everyday lives of people. All as productive members of the economic system, we produce economic benefits that we can not consume or enjoy either due to lack of free time or due to tax etc. Each member suffers from the so-called institutionalization, that is, the inner fear that creates impotence and makes it unlikely a change-pause-disengagement from a daily routine that does not serve any need of a social member beyond survival. If we try to break these seeming chains, our future as social members, is ominous. The above situations do not differ much from the everyday life of a prisoner, who works for economic gains of state mechanisms respectively, has no choice to resist what is imposed on him and suffers from institutionalization. The state daily interferes with human life through various mechanisms such as education, military service, self-discipline, the ubiquitous panopticism that seemingly struggles to identify the unregulated, non-disciplined individual. They all emphatically espouse the above situations by making the difference as a defect. So how do institutions of imprisonment not be widely accepted when they are familiar pathways that are visible on a daily basis as they are imposed as mechanisms of transformation of individuals. As long as life in the state is the only scenario, Closure and Isolation mechanisms will stigmatize and undermine diversity.
Directed by: Kostas Digkas
Screenplay: Kostas Digkas
Animation: Oleksandr Eleftheros
Music: Daphne Zafeirakopolou, Kevin MacLeod
Dialogue language: Ελληνικά
Ένα μικρό ψαράκι πιάνεται στο αγκίστρι και γνωρίζει τον κόσμο πάνω από τη θάλασσα με οδυνηρό τρόπο.

Directed by: Antonis Kyritsanis
Production/School: thavmacinema
Subtitles language: Greek
Experimentation on Jacques Prevert's poetry. The poem "cet amour" is a hymn to love which is embedded in the eternal nature. A ruling and powerful love, floating in the universe a priori. The love that extends from the infinite white to the infinite black in all its appearances and conflicts. The love which incarnates and transforms into the fiery red colour, the pathogenic, bloody, generating red colour, which has no beginning and no end.

Directed by: Aristarchos Papadaniel, Panagiotis Kountouras
Screenplay: Aristarchos Papadaniel
Animation: Aristarchos Papadaniel
Technique: Live action + 2D animation
Music: Αρίσταρχος Παπαδανιήλ
Production/School: Syllipsis
Dialogue language: Ελληνικά
Subtitles language: Αγγλικά
Ως νεκρικό πορτρέτο Φαγιούμ, το βλέμμα του Ποιητή που «εκόμισε εις την Τέχνη» «κάτι μισοειδωμένα, πρόσωπα ή γραμμές» διακρίνει με την κόχη του ματιού την περιφορά ψυχών στην κώχη του Ματιού. Οπτικοακουστικό επίγραμμα εις μνήμην. Εις μάτην. As a mummy portrait of Fayum, the gaze of the Poet who "brought to Art" "things half glimpsed, faces or lines" distinguishes with the corner of his eye the souls procession at Mati's little corner. Audiovisual epigram in memory. To no avail.

Directed by: Zachos Samoladas
Screenplay: Zachos Samoladas
Animation: Zachos Samoladas
Technique: 2D hand drawn animation
Music: Ryan Camus
Production/School: GenesisPix
Dialogue language: English, Japanese, Modern Greek (1453-)
Based on a true story. The year is 1922 and Tokei Maru, a Japanese cargo boat arrives at Smyrna bay on the coast of Asia Minor. As the ship prepares to dock at Smyrna harbor, the city changes hands. The Greeks flee the city and the Turkish army enters in triumph. The captain is ordered by the allied fleet anchored on the bay to abandon docking and leave. As the city is burned to the ground, the Japanese captain throws all of his cargo to the sea to rescue 825 men, women and children. Almost 100 years later his name is a mystery but his act of humanity remains.

Directed by: George Kalofolias, George Baourdas
Screenplay: George Kalofolias
Animation: George Baourdas
Technique: 2D Animation
Music: George Baourdas / Evangellos Athanasias
Production/School: George Baourdas
Dialogue language: N / A
Subtitles language: N / A
Ghosts of abandoned cities haunt the horizon. The landscape is rocky and empty, only a few palm trees stand out. As far as the eye reaches, dust. A strange figure emerges in this inhospitable land. Inheritance is a sci-fi journey into the depths of the human psyche, the things that define us and the memories we choose to keep or bury.
Directed by: Lambrini Loukaidi
Dialogue language: Modern Greek (1453-)
Poetry charcoal animation. Strolling around Athens through the gaze of a woman poet. A visual story about oppresion and the experience of city life
Directed by: Lambrini Loukaidi
Dialogue language: Modern Greek (1453-)
Elle is trying to understand how relationships work! The weather is hot, her lover is gone..
Directed by: Sonia Kechagia
Screenplay: Sonia Kechagia
Chromosoma is a video art project heavily based on the art of body painting and the use of movement as a means to creating shifting sets.

Directed by: Ioanna Tsinividi
Screenplay: Spiros Gratsias
Animation: Kostas Demetropoulos
Technique: 3D animation
Music: Stafanos Konstantinidis, Nassos Sopilis
Production/School: Produced by Harold Herbert
Dialogue language: English
Subtitles language: Greek
Agastrophos, an ancient Greek statue trapped on a tiny island, is focused on an upside-down beetle; its legs and arms are grasping the air in an attempt to flip over and save itself. If Agastrophos could simply give it a helping flick; it would “inverse” its destiny and find a second chance at life.