Short 5

Thursday 28/03/2024 17:00 - 19:00 - Athens Animfest 2024 Official Screening
Friday 29/03/2024 05:00 - 07:00 - Athens Animfest 2024 Replay Screening
Total Duration: 01:39:52

  1. Illustrated by Alligators 03:28
  2. United States of America 2023
    Directed by: John Akre
    Technique: paper and objects stop motion
    Dialogue language: English

    Various esoteric and interesting situations are illustrated by alligators of various talents.

  3. The Body of the World / Il corpo del mondo 04:00
  4. Italy 2023
    Directed by: Simone Massi
    Screenplay: Simone Massi
    Production/School: Alessandro Ingaria
    Dialogue language: Italian

    The intellectual soul of man extends from the earth and ascends, in order to comprehend the body of the world, the wondrous substance of the sky.

  5. LACK 10:45
  6. Poland 2023
    Directed by: Paweł Prewencki
    Screenplay: Paweł Prewencki
    Animation: Paweł Prewencki
    Technique: 2D, 3D, sand
    Music: Kacper Krupa
    Production/School: Ewa Sobolewska, Michalina Prewencka
    Dialogue language: English

    The film tells a story about struggling with pain and suffering. It touches on a very personal experience. It is a story of loneliness, anger and grief experienced by parents who lose a child. It is an intimate and emotional visualization of the world in which bereaved people live. It tells about a situation for which no one is prepared, and the 'catalogue' of reactions we have known up to that point becomes useless.

  7. Debt & Misgivings 13:51
  8. United States of America 2023
    Directed by: Maya ButtMaggot Ash
    Screenplay: Conor Cole, DJ Garcia
    Animation: Maya ButtMaggot Ash
    Music: Jakemenz, Adariiius, Moose
    Production/School: Peachy Co.
    Dialogue language: English

    Set in the far future on a war-torn twisted version of Earth, two good-for-nothing government bounty hunters - Riff and Toto - struggle to earn a living, make rent, and feed their pet lizard.
  9. The Music of the Summer Night 13:45
  10. Russia 2022
    Directed by: Aleksandr Vasilyev
    Screenplay: Aleksandr Vasilyev
    Animation: Aleksander Panov, Tatiana Yatsyna, Daria Dementieva, Anna Dostoevskaya, Aleksandr Vasilyev
    Technique: Hand-drawn
    Production/School: Nikolay Makovsky
    Dialogue language: Russian
    Subtitles language: English

    Life is tough but beautiful. And the film`s heroes, who drives along the night highway, will understand this through their accidental companion - Death.

  11. With My Dad 06:00
  12. Iran 2024
    Directed by: MehrLTD Sales
    Screenplay: Amirreza Mafi
    Production/School: Farzaneh Fakhrian
    Dialogue language: Persian

    The story of a little girl who is learning how to live from her father in daily sweet adventures. They have a lot of fun together and she gets familiar with the world.

  13. Dog - Apartment 14:14
  14. Estonia 2022
    Directed by: Priit Tender
    Screenplay: Priit Tender
    Production/School: Kerdi Oengo

    Ills of fortune have deported a ballet dancer Sergei to a suburban kolhoz. Here he's having his mundane fights against routine, domestic animals and alcohol.

  15. DROP 03:30
  16. Italy 2023
    Directed by: Claudio Quattrone
    Screenplay: Claudio Quattrone
    Animation: CTRL Z LAB
    Technique: 2D Animation
    Music: David Sabiu
    Production/School: Q. Animation Film

    A rain droplet scared of having to fall from the sky, will be able to find the courage to face the void and get to know itself.

  17. Mr. Passenger_#01_Shapes / Sr. Passageiro_#01_Formas 05:00
  18. Portugal 2024
    Directed by: José Pedro Cavalheiro
    Screenplay: Regina Guimarães
    Production/School: Luis Correia
    Dialogue language: Portuguese

    Each day, Mr. Passenger is drawn to a new direction of travel crammed full of adventures. Throughout all the journeys he has taken, humour and the absurd give rise to many questions and discoveries. This series involves a set of adventures, with an itinerant-thinker as its protagonist, that are rich in detours and shortcuts, and where nonsense determines the routes and broadens horizons. Today, Mr Passenger decided to escape the routine of the city. He sets off in search of shapes that might surprise him. Things only change if we extend our boundaries. Mr. Passenger is fascinated with shapes and clouds constantly shifting and never repeating each other. Suddenly, he spots a whale …

  19. Blu 12:16
  20. Italy 2023
    Directed by: Michela Anedda
    Screenplay: Michela Anedda, Irene Scardavilli, Giulia Tolino
    Animation: Michela Anedda
    Technique: Stop Motion- 2D
    Music: Simone Mura
    Production/School: Massimo Casula
    Dialogue language: Italian
    Subtitles language: EN

    Blu is a frustrated and hungry soul collector, who has the misfortune to live in a village whose old inhabitants have no intention of dying. Jobless and sleepless, Blu takes refuge at home in the night-time television. Here she sees the Sickle4000, who promises her, with a small sacrifice, that she can kill without limit or mercy

  21. Vijanden van Venus! (~1965) (Surviving clip) 11:11
  22. Netherlands 2023
    Directed by: Ernst-Jan van Melle
    Screenplay: Ernst-Jan van Melle
    Animation: Ernst-Jan van Melle
    Technique: Digital Puppetry
    Music: Ernst-Jan van Melle
    Production/School: Ernst-Jan van Melle
    Dialogue language: Dutch
    Subtitles language: English

    The only surviving fragment of a Dutch science fiction series for children from the mid-sixties (that never was). Part homage to classic British television scifi, part satire of Dutch drama, part meditation on lost media and irretrievable memories and part explosion-rich spaceship adventure. Join a heroic space captain who, together with his amphibian lieutenant and robot pal, fight to retrieve the Dutch president, who has been kidnapped by evil Venusians!

  23. The Seed 01:52
  24. India 2023
    Directed by: Suresh Eriyat
    Animation: Aman Gupta
    Technique: Clay Animation
    Music: Sameer Uddin, Dhawal Tandon
    Production/School: Nilima Eriyat
    Dialogue language: No dialogue
    Subtitles language: No subtitles

    For 14 years, at Eeksaurus, our passion for designing, planning, and producing films mirrors the nurturing of a seed into a tree. The seed, or idea, may originate from you or be discovered by us. Clients, both new and longstanding, often inquire about our expertise. Are we an animation studio, a CG house, or a live-action production company? Do we handle print? What about music and sound? The answer is, for over a decade, we've been creating films—yes, with music and sound—in a medium-agnostic manner. Versatility is our hallmark; we don't confine ourselves to a specific style or genre. Our commitment to storytelling drives us to use all our strengths to transform an idea into a timeless, fully formed film. We don't specialize in just one aspect, such as animation, graphics, or storyboards. We embrace the entire concept, crafting it into a lovable, memorable piece of work. While our films have garnered numerous awards, there's still a lingering question among our audience: What exactly are we good at? To address this, we've decided to reveal the process of how we make films at Eeksaurus. Whether you bring us an idea or we unearth the seed ourselves, the love and dedication we put into designing, planning, and producing a film is akin to nurturing a seed into a flourishing tree. We accomplish this in less time and at a cost that often doesn't fully capture the joy our tribe invests in bringing it to life for you. After experiencing our creation, if you're tempted to label Eeksaurus as just adept at clay animation films, be warned, we have hunters among us too! :) Savour the joy of our creation, as we eagerly await your next brilliant idea to nurture and grow! Cheers to more fun and creativity ahead!

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