Animation and Environment
Updated: 08-03-2017 18:18Τhe program ANIMATION & ENVIRONMENT is implemented through the Operational Program "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning" and is co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund) and Greek national funds. Its co-funded projects deal mostly with the improvement of education and employment in Greece. Its main targets relate to the development and promotion of human resources skills, activities against unemployment, strengthen social cohesion and social inclusion of vulnerable social groups, improvement of the quality of education & lifelong learning, awareness on environmental education, linking education with the labor market.
The entrance to the meeting and the tribute is free to the public and accessible to the people with disabilities.
Two-days activities in Vrilissia, 18 & 19 March 2017
Under the Auspices: Arts & Sports Organisation of Municipality of Vrilissia
In collaboration with: "Cine DRASSI" Cine Club of Vrilissia
Information: 6974371054
Saturday 18 March 2017
a. N. ENGONOPOULOS HALL (M. Theodorakis Park, 38-42 P. Bakoyannis str, Vrilissia)
Hour: 13:00
b. CINE TRIANON (21, Kodrigtonos str. & 101 Patission Ave., METRO Victoria station, Tel.: 2108215469)
Hour: 16:15
The Movies (43')
1. TREEDOM, 4’ 32’’
Japan 1999
Directed by Dino Sato
Screenplay: Based on original Illustration by U. G. Sato
Animation: Dino Sato
Technique: 2D CG, 3D CG
Music: Makoto Miyata
Production: Dino Sato
Dialogues: None
In 1993, Illustrator U.G. Sato published a series of posters to be named "Treedom".
Dolphins leaping from palm trees, panthers embedded in tree branches, the planet Earth made of leaves slowly turning yellow and dying: those are some of the most powerful images of this ecological poem.
Directed by Vance Yang
& Stella Huang
Screenplay: Jimmy Liao & Vance Yang
Animation: Zhi-Wei Lin, Guang-Rong Zhou, Gui-Mei Zhang, Lou-Lou Lin, Hong-Yu Zhuang, Ming-Zheng Guo, Shu-Mei Su, Li-Jun Liu, Jia-Qi Lai
Technique: 2D digital animation
Music: Chien Chi Chen
Dialogues: No
In a beautiful afternoon, a little boy meets an unexpected friend, with whom he starts an adventure journey.
3. CHANGE, 5’ 15’’
Singapore 2016
Directed by Isaac Kerlow
Screenplay: Isaac Kerlow
Animation: Jegannath Ramanujam, Cai Jiajun, Jeneieve Ho
Technique: 2D animation, After Effects
Music: Sergio Moure
Production: Isaac Kerlow
Dialogues: Narration
Constant change is a natural part of Earth’s life, and its interconnected systems can easily adapt to slow change. But the natural balance gets disrupted when changes happen rapidly. Our growth and prosperity are changing Planet Earth, and some of those changes may be forever.
4. GREEN LIGHT, 15’ 33’’
Korea 2016
Directed by Seongmin Kim
Screenplay: Seongmin Kim, Woojin Chang
Animation: Junsung Kim, Daehyun Lee, Gwangwon Son, Hongsuk Hur, Seungki Lee
Technique: 3D computer animation
Music: Jeongup Lim
Production: Haejung Suk
Dialogues: None
With the ecosystem destroyed after a nuclear war, Mari, a survivor, does all she can to rebuild. When she stumbles upon a robot soldier in an abandoned city, everything changes.
France 2015
Directed by Aude Danset
Screenplay: Aude Danset, Shino Shimizu
Animation: Loïc Tari
Technique: 3D, Computer Graphics Animation
Music: Frédéric Boulard
Production: Christian Pfohl
Dialogues: None
Mishima lives in the shade, surrounded by worms in his underground habitat. One morning, he discovers beautiful Saiko who awakens inside a rose. Saiko is thirsty. Saiko is hungry. Saiko is cold... But Mishima, like worms, is not supposed to live in the sunlight...