WORKSHOP ANIMATION / Sunday 10, April 2016
Updated: 10-04-2016 15:26
During the 11th International Athens Animation Festival (Athens Animfest) a free happening is organized that will attempt to bring students close to the art of animation, through a pleasant way.
In particular, the workshop "Coloring the Space of Action" for high-school students aims to be an introduction to the world of color.
Although the course starts from the animation, the participants will become familiar to the color palettes too.
The workshop will last six hours and students should have a tempera set, 2-3 round brushes, a soft pencil (2B), eraser, sharpener, tape and a thick cardboard [A4 dimension or bigger].
Head of the Laboratory is Ersi Spathopoulou, Illustrator / background artist.
See more: Tributes Workshop Animation
In collaboration with Cine Club Vrilissia
N. Engonopoulos Hall, M. Theodorakis Park
38-42, P. Bakoyannis str., Vrilissia
Sunday 10, April 2016 - Hours: 17:00-19:00