Updated: 01-03-2015 18:32
BIO-GRAPHIA, 92', 35mm, Ultra Panavision
Greece 1975
Direction: Thanassis Rentzis
Screnplay: Thanassis Rentzis & Yorgis Yatromanolakis
(Based on the same name Chumy Chumez's collage-book)
Director of photography: Christos Mangos
Editing: Thanassis Rentzis
Sound: Dimitris Lazaridis
Music: Stamatis Spanoudakis
Color and special effects: Angelos Chatziandreou
Cameraman: Angelos Chatziandreou
Narrator: Yiorgos Kyritsis
Production: FILMOGRAM - Thanassis Rentzis & Christos Mangos
Courtesy: Thanassis Rentzis
Genre: Feature experimental
With a title that expresses the connection/disagreement of bios=life and graphi=writing, this film of Rentzis has as a subject "the passage from Homo Universalis to Homo Industrialis" (Stella Theodorakis, "L'Anatreptikos dans Le Cinema Grec", in "Le Cinéma Grec", 1995, published by Centre George Pompidou).
Based on a visual material provided by the collage book of the Basque Chumy Chúmez, the film forms, out of cultural deposits, a new oneiric discourse, through the audacious and unprecenteded in Greek cinema, application of a collage-montage technique.
Viewing the body as "the sublime point of reference, a matrix and a refusal of all signs" Rentzis, dissects the body of film, makes a parody of historical certainties and moves between animation and expanded cinema in order to reflect on the broader social, political question of unity and ruptur.
Awards & Mentions:
3rd Award Best Movie, 16th Thessaloniki Film Festival 1975
And also Audience Award.
ELECTRIC ANGEL, 90΄, Color, Frame ratio, 1.66:1
Greece 1981
Direction: Thanassis Rentzis
Screenplay: Thanassis Rentzis
Director of Photography: Polydefkis Kyrlidis
Editing: Thanassis Rentzis
Music: Dimitris Lekkas & Dimitris Papadimitriou
(Sound Track: CBS [Vinyl LP], No. 70217).
Acting: Faedon Georgitsis, Marili Tsopanelli, Sofia Roumbou, Ismini Bolbasi, Rosemary Donnelly, Savvina Giannatou, Konstantinos Hatzistamatis, Giorgos Hristofylakis, Agi Iliopoulou-Kornelatou, Giannis Kalatzopoulos, Thanassis Kastaniotis, Georgia Kornelatou, Georgia Zoi, Yorgos Kotanidis, Maria Lianantonaki, Vasiliki Manda, Evangelos Mandas, Jason Melissinos, Jay Riley
Production: Thanassis Rentzis & Greek Film Center
Awards & Mentions:
Mention for Experimental Movie, 22 Thessaloniki Film Festival 1981
And also Music Award.
An experimental film, in which a variety of audiovisual techniques are used to create the sense of polymorphic eroticism as developed by Euro-Mediterranean region in the 20th century.
Combining the methods of animation and live action, this intricate work embodies the deep idea of the notorious ars combinatoria.
The structure is loose, with neither a central axis nor a point where everything converges, contributing greatly to the open-ended character of the film, where rhythm is the guiding key.
Participating artists