The Athens Animfest is organised by the Center of Animation, Audiovisual and Performing Arts (Ars Anima), a non-profit organization, that aims to bring the younger generation closer to the secrets and fascination of the art of animation and their diverse applications in the small and big screen, the multimedia, the Internet and education in general. The Festival gives special emphasis to European animation films, regardless of techniques, themes, language, nationality and artists' age, style and aesthetic trends thus demonstrating the common cultural heritage of the peoples of Europe.
The Early Bird Submission Deadline got extended until the 22nd of January 2025. Don't miss the opportunity to register online for the 20th Athens Animfest
The ATHENS ANIMFEST became research study and we would like all the Animfesters to fill in a question form in order to assist in improving its presence in social media. Your opinion counts - share it with the organizing committee!
Athens Animfest is accepting submissions for its 20th Εdition in March 2025.