Official Selection

Morning Shadows

Portugal 2023
Duration: 12:13
Directed by: Rita Cruchinho Neves
Screenplay: Pedro Castro Neves
Animation: Rita Cruchinho Neves
Music: Teho Teardo
Production/School: Pedro Castro Neves / Modo Imago
Dialogue language: English
Subtitles language: None

"I spend my life sitting, like an angel in the hands of a barber." Rimbaud Consider the association suggested by a barber shop between a razor blade and a pen, the brush of a painter and a barber, water, blood and ink. The way in which the main character experiences elemental things. The light travelling through space inhabits the body, its gestures, sensations and movement. The images – in this diary of lost things – represent loss and the healing of wounds. Morning Shadows tells the story of a unique life on its circular journey under the light of a brightening black sun.

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