Official Selection

Bi The Way [Animation]

Germany 2022
Duration: 15:00
Directed by: Amir Ovadia Steklov
Screenplay: Amir Ovadia Steklov
Production/School: Amir Ovadia Steklov
Dialogue language: English

Bi The Way is a short, funny, and intimate animated film about Amir’s life-journey as a bisexual cis man - made in a Stop-Motion animation technique. The film tells Amir’s story from early childhood until present day, highlighting his struggle to fit into binary culture making him unacceptable to the heteronormative community and invisible in the LGBTQIA community. Dr. Maya Lavie-Ajayi and PhD candidate Zeinab Nobowati join in on the films historical-social discussion, providing background knowledge in queer and feminist theories to the subject matter of the film. They also shed light upon the hidden mechanisms of the modern western binary culture and why non-binary people struggle to fit in.

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