Official Selection
St(r)ay / (迷)留
3rd Vrilissia Award Short
Short 13
Sunday 17/03/2019 18:00 - 20:00, Cine Drasi, Vrilissia
Sunday 17/03/2019 18:00 - 20:00, Cine Drasi, Vrilissia

Duration: 08:34
Directed by: Chiang Yao
Screenplay: Chiang Yao
Animation: Chiang Yao, Wing Lin, Yngyn Lee
Technique: 3D Computer Animation
Music: Katy Jarzebowski
Production/School: Yiju Chiang
Dialogue language: No Dialogue
Subtitles language: English, Chinese
A camel, on a quest to find his missing wife in the desert, faces the dilemma of chasing his treasure or continuing his journey. ‘St(r)ay’ is a story of how someone recognizes the most important thing in life amid chaos caused by dementia. 駱駝先生在沙漠裡尋找失蹤的妻子,沿途接踵而來的插曲不斷阻礙他前進。 "(迷)留"是個從失智的混亂中找尋生命最重要事物的故事,為了讓觀眾更貼切感受失智患者的主觀心境,因此劇情並不具體呈現主角對於失智症狀的認知,而是將抽象與隱喻手法結合視覺上的設定,逐步引領觀眾步入主角的心境,透過主角以駱駝形象登場,表達他已遺忘了自己是誰,甚至失去了自我身為「人」的認知;而人形的妻子在結尾時的形象轉變,也呼應了主角不只遺忘了自己,還遺忘了包括親人在內的所有人。 過程中,飛散的鈔票代表的是主角對名利曾有的渴望,承載回憶的家具與房子四處散落意味著主角混亂與錯置的記憶,而碎裂的沙漏則是貫穿全劇的主意象,猶如故事中的沙塵暴與隨之而來的天地倒轉,主角的記憶也在破碎的時間感中如散沙般一去不回。
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